Cindy L. Meester's Blog- Speech Therapy with a Twist

Don’t bug us when we are camping at the beach….

Posted in Uncategorized by Cindy on April 17, 2014
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There are not that many school days left and I wanted to use some more of my theme units. So…. I decided to merge three themes into one and use them until the end of the school year in June.

Bugs   +   Camping   +   Beach   =   Fun way to end the school year

So welcome to our bugs


and camping …..


and our beach!


Sit on our coolers and join in the fun…


I’ll do separate blogs about the adventures you can experience in each area. So stay tuned and in the mean time grab your bug spray, beach towel, favorite beverage and get ready to add your own twists!


P.S. This is what it looked like at my home yesterday…. spring disappeared.  Just another balmy day in MN.


It’s a little nuts and bolts around here…

Posted in Uncategorized by Cindy on April 11, 2014
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It’s that time of the year where hair is being pulled as deadlines are looming. So you may feel like you’ve lost a few nuts and bolts. I have a solution… just collect them and make a robot or two. I posted about robots a few years ago. Check it out: Robots

My robot parts were safely stored away and sadly forgotten until this week. As I was bringing two kindergarteners to my room one put his hood over his head- we said he looked like a robot. And ding ding ding I remembered by box of nuts and bolts.! So I pulled it out and we had a lot of fun this week.

We made short robots.            We made TALL robots.

2            5

And generally had fun following directions and sharing. We put parts on top, in the middle, on the side, behind and at the bottom. We even  gave our robots names and special powers.

3   photo 3   photo 1   4

Check out my earlier posting to get more information on how to create your own box of nuts and bolts: Robots

So now after you gather your nuts and bolts add your own twist to the fun!

Have fun and let me know what twists you add!


PS- Please if you have even one dollar you can pay it forward and help support a great project from Mobile Education Store: Crack the Books



Pay it forward….

Posted in Uncategorized by Cindy on April 8, 2014
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You’ve probably heard about someone paying for the person’s order in a fast food drive thru.  It’s a random act of kindness and often gets passed on in the drive thru line. So today I am passing on a way we can pay it forward to a great app developer.

Kyle Tomas created many apps for Mobile Education Store. He has always been generous with gifting app codes. Now he has a new kickstarter project. This project is something that I believe in and would hope it reaches it goal. Check out it out: Kyle’s kickstarter project.

There have been many bloggers who have reviewed the Crack the Book series so I am going to direct you to one of the reviews by Activity Tailor: Crack the books review.



This series is amazing. It can adjust to each readers level. Crack the Books fosters a lifelong desire for reading by featuring rich, audio-visual elements and interactive activities to help students understand difficult concepts. The series is designed to help students of all reading capabilities, from those with special needs to those with academic gifts, become better and more confident readers.

Please visit Mobile Education Store’s Kickstarter campaign and view its goals to fund the next generation of digital books. There is a short video right at the top of the campaign page that I encourage you to watch. It will give you a great sense of what these e-books are all about. Your support will ensure “Crack the Books” will be available to reach and inspire all students.

Once again you can view the video and learn more about the project here: Crack the books

Thanks for following my blog and considering this opportuntiy to pay it forward!
