Cindy L. Meester's Blog- Speech Therapy with a Twist

A door to Spring…

Posted in Uncategorized by Cindy on January 26, 2016

I have lots of posts started but have yet to get motivated to complete them. In the meantime since I shared my Halloween door (see below) I thought I’d share my next door creation.


I kept the big googly eyes and created a snowman. I used items from a kit I had purchased at craft fair (the nose, hat and scarf) then used magnets for the mouth and buttons. But since it is now close to Groundhog’s Day I added a little more. The snowman states “Will the groundhog see his shadow?”  I used a picture of a groundhog and my students are voting if it will he will see his shadow or not under the sun and clouds I drew. It has brought a lot of fun conversations, vocabulary and more.  The black material on my door is new and part of a blog post still to be written but I love that I can the dry erase crayons to write on it. Stay tuned!

groundhog door

So what are your twists for groundhog’s day?




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