Cindy L. Meester's Blog- Speech Therapy with a Twist

Bulletin Board Ideas**

I have stopped doing monthly or seasonal bulletin boards. Partly due to the time factor, small room, visual distraction (in a small space) and mainly due to the many different cultures of my students.  Now I put up something the students can interact with and maybe learn a little.  Below are some ideas…

  • Perspective taking skills- Use with a thinking bubble and have the students write their ideas on a white board or piece of paper. A thinking bubble template can be found with the Panda pictures.
  • 1. Print these cute panda pictures – Panda – thinking
  • 2. 1/11/10– People photos for perspective taking skills- photos were found on a copyright free site- Use the thinking bubble from the above Panda activity- people photos
  • 3/25/10–  Here are some more pictures that can be used with the Thinking Bubble (in the Panda link) egg pictures   bunny and animal pictures

*Find posters that fit these sayings- Students take the half sheet of paper home and find out what the saying really means.  I have a poster set called Googly Eyed Fun

1. Who let the cat out of the bag    

2. hard at work  

3.  Don’t get in over your head  

4. I’m just a party animal  

5. It’s scary at the top         

6. life is a hoot  

7. read between lines  

8. Take time to smell the flowers                       

 9. think big  

10. top dog

11. well-read

12. team player

13. practice makes perfect

14. out on a limb

15. head above water


*Power Words~ 12 words that can trip up kids on tests. Print out the words ino one color and the definitions in another color and put on bulletin board. The idea is to match up the words to their definitions. You can do this in several ways. One is to put velcro on the backs of the words & definintions and rows of velcro on the board so you can place the matches together. You could create one vertical row of words and attach string/yarn to these then place the definintions in a vertical row across fromt the words. Punch a hole in the definition for the string.    12 power words                                                            This link has great visuals to use when teaching the  words.