Cindy L. Meester's Blog- Speech Therapy with a Twist

Social Thinking (2 of 4) – MATERIALS**

** This symbolizes materials I created- Enjoy! Don’t forget to look under the other three Social Thinking titles.

3/26/10- Use these pictures for an activity about “What am I thinking?” Use  the thinking bubble found in the panda activity. Panda – thinking egg pictures bunny and animal pictures

3/4/10 Thinking With Your Eyes Activity**

3/3/10 Use these materials to work on Tone of Voice- Have students pick a sentence and a tone card- read the sentence in that tone of voice. sentences 1** sentences 2**   sentences 3** tone of voice**

2/26/10- These are activities to use for Cooperation and Perspective taking skills.

  • Noodle Activities** Some fun activities using swim noodles.
  • Cooperation-maze directions Cooperation-maze I  looked but could not locate this game on the website tht I intially used. So here is a copy of it.  The first task I did with students was to have them look at the title and find what was wrong or missing and add the missing letters. It was in color but the missing letters were yellow and didn’t copy- just another opportunity to use as a lesson!

Smart and Wacky Guesses:

1/22/10- I am using these as our group expectations (rules)**. These are similiar to the Behavior Mapping strategy from Michelle Garcia Winner.  Use these larger ones to teach or post as your rules/expecations: group rules  C group rules B group rules  A Use this one to problem solve what each expectation would look like for different situations. group expectation sheet

  • Use these for a perspective taking activity:
  • Panda – thinking I have this also posted under Bulletin board ideas
  • 1/11/10people photos these were taken from a copyright free site- use the thinking bubble from the panda activity

The following materials were put together with two of my fantastic co-workers during a summer writing task.   There are some extra items that I created at the bottom of this page.

Table of Contents

Extra items

  1. Below are blank thinking & talking bubbles. I had some 6th grade students create the sentences. Laminate all items and cut apart the sentence strips. Talk about which bubble the sentence belongs in and why. Talk about what would happen if you put the sentence in the other bubble and why. This discussion might also bring up the intonation or tone of voice used for the sentences and how it might change the intended meaning.
  2. bubble- words**
  3. bubble- talking**
  4. Bubbles- thinking**

Gesture Game– Print and laminate all pages. Use a dice or spinner with the game board.  Act out the gesture you land on and explain what it means and where you might see/use it. Some of the hand gestures can be presented in different positions by turning your hand in a different direction. You can use the small gesture cards alone or as a bigger visual during the game.   gesture game board**

A visual to help with processing information: finish the loop**