Cindy L. Meester's Blog- Speech Therapy with a Twist

Glitter Bomb Therapy

Posted in Uncategorized by Cindy on January 16, 2015


Have you ever had your room decorated for you? Have there been banners, glitter, crowns, horns etc.? Then you too may have experienced a surprise Glitter Bomb Therapy Room. I was a lucky recipient of this as it was a milestone birthday and my co-workers spread the love all over my therapy room.  Don’t you just love days when the focus is all about you in a good way AND you are having a good hair day on top of it. It was wonderful!

So the story begins… Meester turns 60….  the special ed team decorates her therapy room with every single item with the number 60. Oh and bonus there was cake too!


Forward to 9:30 when my first therapy group enters my room- first they need to figure out how to get into the room as the doorway has a hanging curtain of shiny 60’s covering the doorway (think 70’s and beads hanging in the doorways).


Then they had to overcome all the visual distractions taped all over my room. There were many 60’s taped on every surface (here are a few).

banner horn hat 60 big cabniet

bulletin FullSizeRender desk

Plus my appearance had changed… slightly… with a lovely new “60 and Fabulous” T Shirt and glitz!


So what does any creative flexible SLP do? Well I thanked my team for planning my therapy for the day. Here’s what we did with all the new “therapy materials” that had exploded in my room.

1. compared/contrasted the different 60’s

2. followed directions to find a shiny 60, a 60 next to… a 60 over…

3. talked about “why” all this glitter was on the therapy table

4. talked about what would happen if we pushed all the glitter and 60’s off the table onto the floor

5. Why was my room decorated? How did it get in here?  Who may have done this?

6. Discussions about who celebrate birthdays and how/where we might celebrate .

7. Discussions about gifts and placing items into a box (present) and giving clues for others to guess

8. and more and more

Do you know what happens if I wear my glasses upside down? … Which is maybe why I received some kid like gifts from my family.

9  bike

Now we have some permanent new therapy glitz to use during our sessions. How can you do therapy without a crown? And now I have two!


ASHA packrat is styling!


“Frankenstyle” has upped his presence. Don’t you love his belly dancer skirt!


We are creating princess stories using storymaker apps.


We can even celebrate a 6 year old’s birthday!

So that’s how I added some “twists” after having my room glitter bombed. How about you? What have you “twisted” into a therapy activity?



PS. A napkin cannot lie…
