Cindy L. Meester's Blog- Speech Therapy with a Twist

The calm before the scheduling storm…

Posted in Uncategorized by Cindy on September 5, 2015
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So my summer is over and school will begin after Labor Day. I survived the 5 days of professional development and got my speech room set up. This year I took “before” pictures to remind me that once upon a time everything was organized. So take a peek before it gets all “twisted!”



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Now on Tuesday this space will morph into a blizzard of class lists, teacher schedules, post it notes and pulled out hair. Yes it will be time to once again reinvent the wheel also known as scheduling. But as I have found in the past 38 years this can be accomplished with many tweaks along the way AND throughout the school year. I’ll see you once I shovel out the mess and actually start with students!

So here’s where I should comment about my lack of posts but how about some fun pictures from my summer vacation instead! I am so lucky to have lifelong friends who wanted to celebrate our milestone birthdays (yes 60 of them) by taking a trip to Wyoming and Montana. Cowboys, happy hour, whitewater rafting, happy hour, pig races, happy hour, horseback riding, happy hour, shopping, happy hour, rodeo, happy hour, mountain exploring and did I mention happy hour?! Many memories and laughs were shared.


So with a new year beginning I am making no promises that my posts will be on any kind of schedule. I did promise myself that I would share any therapy ideas that others may find useful. If you’ve read my blog you know I like therapy with a twist so stay tuned. I do have some Wild West ideas galloping through my brain and will try to rein them into therapy. Of course I found therapy materials on my trip I am an SLP after all.

Can’t wait to see the twists you add to your therapy sessions!




Door Posters this set also contains We ♥️ Posters

Speech Ninjas

Wooden Wall words were bought at the MN state Fair but can be ordered here: Wall Words

The Listen Board was from Target’s Dollar Spot

We ♥️ Posters

Common Core Cans from Nicole Allison

Material Open Top Containers I used left over borders and taped them inside to get a more uniform look. I also did this to the portable storage drawers.

The fun seating- the flat seats were from Target on clearance. You can see what twist I added to these- Seating Twist

The ball chair was given to our school this year. A furniture company did a photo shoot this summer and donated all the furniture to our school- standing desks, carts, etc.

The “talk back chattering teeth” record your voice. I bought them on my summer vacation at a Cracker Barrel restaurant and could not find them online. I did see one on eBay.  Sorry!

The M & M dispenser was bought at the M & M store in Las Vegas. They sell them other places too. And no I no longer fill it with candy…darn heathy eating in schools.

My Fairy Door was bought from a wonderful New Zealand craftsman (Imagination Doors) who has moved and closed shop….temporially I hope.